Many salmonid populations are federally threatened and endangered, or otherwise at-risk.  From the Pacific, the Rockies, Upper Midwest, and Atlantic, managers must contend with environmental and anthropogenic threats that yield uncertain outcomes.  To account for this uncertainty, managers have developed and implemented a variety of applied management strategies, tools, approaches, and frameworks to conserve salmonids and their habitats.  These strategies and tools can effectively assess the current condition of vulnerable species and their degrading habitats, analyze threats, and incorporate feedback in real-time into decision-making.  By understanding the successes, failures, and unintended outcomes of salmonid-focused management, managers may be inspired to develop new strategies and test drive new approaches in their own regions.  In this symposium, we will present research and case studies detailing these strategies and approaches implemented across North America and the aquatic systems in between, in hopes of learning from one another.


  • Samantha Betances, USFWS, [email protected]
  • Molly Good, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • John Kocik, NOAA NEFSC
  • Dan Dauwalter, Trout Unlimited