Adaptive Approaches to Understand and Manage Changes in Fisheries
The American Fisheries Society, President April Croxton, and the Michigan Chapter are excited to host the 153rd AFS Annual Meeting, August 20-24, 2023 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Home to the iconic Blue Bridge and Grand River, AFS is thrilled to return to the city of Grand Rapids following a successful Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting held earlier this year. As we continue to address the various stressors impacting fisheries and their ecosystems, we hope that this year’s theme, “Adaptive approaches to understand and manage changes in fisheries,” will stimulate a wide range of sessions as we bring together professionals from across North America and countries throughout the world.
Conference Timeline
Session submission open
Session submission closes
Abstract submission opens
Registration opens
Abstract submission closes
Conference begins

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Book your stay at the Amway Grand Plaza or Courtyard Marriott. Special attendee rate if booked through the AFS hotel block.
Check out special attendee discounts at a number of local restaurants, attractions and other businesses.
Exhibitor Registration is opening soon! Download the exhibitor brochure for more information.
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Challenges and Solutions for Using Citizen Science Data in Fisheries Management
Soft Skills for Enhancing the Success of Early Career Professionals
Modeling Linkages Between Clean Water Act Administration and Fisheries Management
Adapting to Change in Fisheries Stock Assessment Science
Advancements in Arctic Grayling Fish Culture
Dr. Kirk Winemiller’s Contributions and Enduring Legacy: Perspectives in Fisheries Science and Conservation across Tropical and Temperate Regions
Highlighting the Cutting Edge: Graduate and Early Career Research in Genetics-Genomics
Spatiotemporal Variability in Aquatic Food Webs
Becoming Relevant to a Changing User-base: Strategies to Manage Future Fisheries
What Does Ecosystem Management Mean to Inland Fisheries Biologists and Managers?
Growing Fisheries Research and Management through Angler Engagement
Fish Farming in the Great Lakes Region: Hatcheries, Private Farms, and Partnerships
NONGAME: Underappreciated Fishes and their Management in the United States
Beaver and Trout Management in the Upper Midwest
Habitat Heterogeneity in Lake Michigan: Implications for Food Webs, Fish, and Fisheries
“MacGyvering”: Innovative Problem Solving in Fisheries Science
Communicating Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries: Avoiding Controversy and Enhancing Buy-in
Introduced and Invasive Species: Monitoring, Management, and Ecology
Exploration of the Science and Innovation Supporting Selective Connectivity at Barriers
Mississippi River Basin Habitat Management for Interjurisdictional Fishes
Incorporating DEIJA Activities: Where to Begin?
Downtown with Fish and Friends: Aquatic Ecology in Urban Settings
Failing Successfully: How Unexpected Results Improve Fisheries Science
Adaptive Management and Reform of Hatchery Programs for Fisheries Enhancement and Conservation
Biology and Management of Lampreys in a Rapidly Changing Landscape
Offshore Wind, Fish, and Fisheries – Emerging Knowledge and Applications
The Future is Now: Supporting Students and Early Career Professionals in AFS
We Are Not Adjacent to Nature, We Are Part of It
Getting it Right: Conservation Aquaculture for Recovery, Restoration and Supplementation
Nigeria: A Case Study of Fishing Practices and the Different Economy Activities in Rivers Systems in Some of the Gwagawalada Area of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja
Innovative Advances in the Application of BRUV’s for Surveying Fisheries Resources
Engaging Youth in Fisheries Science and Stewardship through Place-Based Education Practices
Implementing the Cooperative Research Model Through the NOAA Living Marine Resources CSC
Biology, Ecology, and Management of Esox Spp. in Changing Environments
Should They Stay or Should They Go? Managing Dams as Agencies
Ready, Set, Hire: Building a Sustainable and Diverse Workforce through Training and Pathways Programs to Increase Fish Careers
Coast to Coast: Strategies, Tools, and Approaches for Applied Management of Salmonids
Vaterite, Calcite, and Other Otolith Weirdness: Extent and Exploration of Causes
Adapting Telemetry Tools, Techniques, and Analyses for Enhanced Understanding and Management of Fishes
Research to Inform Walleye Management: Native, Introduced, and Invasive Aspects
Invasive Carp Research: Sharing Across Watersheds to Improve Control Efforts
Coolwater Aquaculture Workshop – Challenges, Updates, and Continued Collaboration
Integrating Monitoring and Decision Tools for Data-limited Endangered and Invasive Species
North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish: Challenges to Adaptive Management During Ecosystem Change
A Fisheries Biologist’s Guide to Using Human Dimensions Data
Great Lakes Connecting Waters: Research, Monitoring, and Progress