Natural Resource agencies across North America are driven by mission statements to conserve, protect, and manage natural and cultural resources for current and future generations, but it’s not uncommon to own infrastructure, like dams, that may conflict with that mission. While the original intents for these dams may have included provision of recreational opportunities, managing water levels, etc., in many cases these benefits have waned as the dam has aged. Dams pose a significant burden to safety of people and property and alter and fragment habitats. As problems rise, agencies are eager to find ways to reduce the inventory of obsolete dams they own and potentially remove them. While funding is increasingly available for removal, the opportunities to provide funding to agencies to repair their aging dams is sparse. This symposium will share experiences from different agencies and their partners across North America as they manage their dam infrastructure.
Supported by:
- Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Division
- Dana Castle, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Habitat Management Unit, [email protected]