Engaging youth through fisheries education experiences offers opportunities to advance goals of the fisheries science community. Youth engagement serves as a foundation for fostering the next generation of informed fishery stakeholders and future leaders. Education programs and practices can also meaningfully engage youth as fisheries science and stewardship partners today. This symposia will highlight fisheries education programs and practices that exemplify meaningful watershed education experiences and promising practices for engaging youth in fisheries science and stewardship. Exemplary education programs and practices may include youth fishing programs, classroom projects, summer camps, community science and career exploration programs, place-based or community-connected learning initiatives. These youth education engagements reflect critical intersections and opportunities to value and benefit from youth voice in our fisheries work both today and in the future. A thread of this session explores how the fisheries science community can support youth fisheries education opportunities as valued and mutually benefiting partners.

Supported by:

  • Michigan State University
  • Michigan Sea Grant
  • Sea Grant Center for Great Lakes Literacy


  • Brandon Schroeder, Michigan Sea Grant, Michigan State University Extension, [email protected]
  • Heather Triezenberg, Michigan State University, MSU Extension, Michigan Sea Grant
  • Meaghan Gass, Michigan State University Extension
  • Chiara Zuccarino-Crowe, Michigan Sea Grant