With changes to climate, shrinking refugia, and other factors the importance of captive rearing and supplementation of Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) is becoming more relevant.  Augmented management objectives for Grayling supplementation calls for advancements in rearing techniques –  including efforts to target fitness or adaptive variation in captive breeding programs, holistic approaches to conservation goals, versatile approaches to increase post-stock success, advancements in rearing techniques, supplementation successes through adaptive release strategies or improvements on monitoring, pathogen abatement/mitigation by means of novel approaches to hatchery operations, and communication to varied audiences on Grayling innovations. Grayling husbandry comes with its own set of unique idiosyncrasies from incubation to release.  This symposium aims to exemplify advancements in captive rearing of Arctic Grayling providing a wider range of knowledge on Grayling rearing.

Supported by:

  • Fish Culture Section


  • Matthew Wipf, Fish Culture Section of the American Fisheries Society; Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, [email protected]